Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Call for Change

Hello fellow Americans...I am having a hard time concentrating on school right now and on 506...and I figured instead of allowing my contribution level to suffer in silence, I would just write about what's on my mind, I'm pretty sure that's the point of this whole blog business anyway. Last night I spent 2 or 3 hours at the local office of MoveOn.org in Ithaca. It is on the first floor of the Dewitt Mall, directly upstairs from the cafe if any locals would like to check it out. For those of you who don't know, MoveOn is something of a progressive and aggressive answer to Karl Rove. They are not supported by any particular candidate, but rather work independently to expose Republican corruption, ineptitude and failure and in the process help elect Democrats. My apologies to any Republican readers of my blog. I want you to know that the philosophical differences between Conservative and Liberal visions of what government should look like are legitimate points of debate. I am a liberal, but I can understand the mentality of the Conservative mind in some cases. That being said, what is going on in this country and to this country under the Bu@*sh%$ regime is nothing short of an absolute outrage. It no longer has anything to do with traditional party politics. It has to do with electing people, who are willing to stand up to this moron.

Failure to Prevent 911 despite serious and detailed intelligence reports, failure to Catch Osama Bin Laden over a 5 year period with the most awesome and technologically sophisticated military the world has ever known and the support and assistance (in the beginning at least) of the entire world, dragging us into the midst of a protracted War in Iraq that was clearly based on faulty/fabricated intelligence and which has brought about the worst civil and political strife that country has seen in decades, and which has utterly exhausted, divided and distracted a U.S. military from the true pursuit of terrorists and killed untold 100's of thousands of innocent civilians, and a humiliating and pathetic Federal response to Hurricane Katrina, the worst natural disaster this country has seen, at least in a hundred years if not ever...these things are simply the highlights of a long list of perhaps the biggest failures in Presidential/American history. Whew...sorry for that.

The point is I believe that we need oversight and the reemergence of a system of checks and balances that can only be provided by a Democratic majority in Congress. So, this upcoming election in 14 days!! is the reason I cannot concentrate on school and the reason I went to MoveOn last night. They have a plan that you can check out online called Call for Change. They have identified 30 Congressional districts that are likely to be closely contested in a couple of weeks, and where Republicans were winning and are now tied or behind, or where Republicans have traditionally won, and generated an extensive list of progressive voter phone numbers in these areas. By going to Callforchange.org and signing up you can become a volunteer and an active member of our fading Democracy. They provide you with a scripted message which is tailored to the district you are calling as well as information sheets about both candidates in that district and you basically just follow the prompts reminding them to vote and to vote Democrat, it is a super simple system of clicking buttons on your monitor screen that correlate to their responses to your prompts and guide you step-by-step through the call. You can spend as little or as much time calling voters as you want (they recommenend an hour a week for the next couple, and then like an hour a day or as much as possible during the final days).

For someone like me who has alot to say about this stuff and lives in a community of mostly like minded people, and has about as busy a schedule as you can imagine, I was beginning to feel helpless about the fates of Democrats in far flung districts and the organizational power of Rove and his henchmen. MoveOn has empowered me, and I am excited to be able to reach so many voters in crucial districts. Last night I was calling current MoveOn members and giving them a similar speech to the one you guys just read and trying to enlist them to go to the website and volunteer to make calls. Then I realized that I can just start telling people that I know already, who would be interested, and then I realized I could just post it to my blog, and reach that many more people in the span of half and hour of typing. The internet really is pretty cool, just what I am doing right now is cool, and what MoveOn has accomplished with the power of connectivity is freakin amazing. Ideally, I would elaborate on how this internet networking relates directly to what we are talking about in 506, and what Friedman is talking about in his book, but I have to go hurry and try to throw some crap together for 541 before our class starts. Maybe you folks can elaborate for me in your comments, or maybe I'll just write a follow up post later.

So get out there and do something, it's either that or move to Europe. And some of us are in school still, ya know. Here is the link...check it out..callforchange.org


Steven said...

You can count on my vote from the South side of Binghamton. Unfortunately my wife's vote will probably cancel mine out, still there is always the possibility that she will forget and not make it out. Sorry honey if you are reading this. Hey, the "crap" you "threw together" for 541 was great in my opinion! Kudos on your presentation!

Dave E. said...

I'm not registered.

Anonymous said...

1. What did you present Joe--in 541?

2. Dave-REGISTER. My god!

3. I agree w/everything you say here Joe--and this is a good org. to work with. When Americans (not to mention Iraquis) started to die in this "war," I wondered how many it would take before we'd be out in the streets. Well, you know the current body bag count as well as I do. And yet it's as if it isn't happening--

I never thought I would live through another debacle like VN. And that my generation is the generation that has allowed this to happen, even supported its happening and is doing little to stop it is so appalling to me if I let myself think about it I go crazy.

But I'm also disappointed in young people. The primary difference, of course, is that my generation had a draft--and that fueled protests against the war that the current "volunteer" (that's a whole other story) military does not incite.

Read the current "Talk of the Town" in the New Yorker...for a good analysis of just how bad things are currently in Iraq.

The sad thing for all of us who wouldn't have voted for Bush if the other candidate had been a rottweiler is that he's turned out to be so much worse than even we feared. And I feared the worst.

Like you, I understand conservative positions on some issues--but this is not about conservatives and liberals.

As Iraq continues to descend into a seemingly intransigent civil war, it is about our men and women dying every day in "our" service and in our names.

I wonder if MoveOn wasn't a great site for your iMovie??

Steven said...

Hey kids... read my latest poem on my blog Sensory Offense... it is fresh and super hot babies...

Anonymous said...

Who is Steven?? K

Dave E. said...

We know folks outside 506.

Dave E. said...

Let me clarify... we know extremely bizarre folks outside 506.

Alex Reid said...

Funny I know bizarre folks in 506. Joe, you might be interested in this project, http://www.videothevote.org/.

Anonymous said...

I knew "Steve" was an outsider. Is "Steve" a pseudonym? I just wanted him to identify himself--like tell us who he is!!! K

Steven said...

I am not pseudonym... I am a character foil.

Joe Fox said...

Karen I presented a rather unpolished mini-lesson on Naturalism in Of Mice and Men replete with T-Charts and Double-Entry Journals.

Dave, Karens right...register.

Karen Steven K. is my personal hero, mostly based on his flair for the bizarre.

Karen MoveOn's office really would've been a great source for my Imovie...actually I am so far behind on my movie that I am seriously considering changing courses...Thanks...

Joe Fox said...

Alex I actually just heard about the campaign to video tape your poll experience on Democracy Now this morning...it sounds like a great idea for the sake of our republic and perhaps an even better topic for an Imovie project...

Steven said...

The thirteenth post... OMG... well I still have my lucky penny...We Could Use More Dave... is hilarious. Check out my attempt at humor ...My Comix

Mrs. Brenneck said...

I used to be horribly apatathetic, and it still bothers me that most of our peers have no idea elections are coming. But, since I live in Watertown and work on Fort Drum in the summers, which is 20 minutes from my home, apathy is no longer possible. A neighbor of mine just had a narrow escape in Iraq: his vehicle exploded. Luckily, no one was hurt. Now, my cousin just graduated from boot camp and may be heading to either Afghanistan of Iraq within a few months. Everytime I go home and see all of these young people who are being sent to war, I can't help but be angry. I still remember watching a young couple who were literally clinging to each other on a day of deployment last summer...it was incredibly moving. We all definitely need to exercise our democracy and vote!

Anonymous said...

Hey joe, aren't 15 comments enough?

How about some new blog content????

Steven said...

16) Get out there and rock the vote babies!
Someone I know is voting today for Anti-Abortion and Anti-Gay... if this is you, feel ashamed... feel very ashamed. I, on the other hand am going out to vote FOR something: so that some children that I have encountered will not have to live without electricity or food this winter. I am also voting in hopes that my son will still have a world to grow up in.

Steven said...

18) I guess that former was 17, sorry K, my bad. ;-)

Steven said...

19) Did I mention that I look forward with great anticipation to taking the technologies course?

Steven said...

My Wife never made it out to the vote. We drubbed 'em! Nice turnout. Whoohoo!