Monday, November 06, 2006

"If you can think about something like birds, you can get outside of yourself, and it doesn't hurt as much. That's the whole idea. That's the whole challenge for the human race. Think about that. Put your thinking cap on, Sam. Put that in your pipe and smoke it! But I can barely get to the point where I can be a self to get out of."


Sarah said...

This passage moved me to tears...

Dave E. said...

Rock on, J-Fo!

Steven said...

Ah, the self... a curious thing. Kategiri Roshi once said that "You should live alone. You should learn about that. It is the terminal abode."

Anonymous said...

What are you talking about Joe? Karen

James said...

This is from In Country, right?


Anonymous said...

Aha, mystery revealed...IN COUNTRY surfaces.

I remember where/when, the whole deal, one Labor Day before the start of school when I read Mason. I loved that book. It was the 80's ... the end of the war was closer than it is now. A VN vet recommended it. It moved me....I read it in a day. Loved the frame/trip to the Wall and yet when I taught it in an S.U. class focused on the literature of the VN War, students' reaction was different.

I had told them over one weekend when they would be finishing the novel, "the end is amazing--you'll see." But they didnt see--said "maybe you hadda be old."

Ah, I have a history with Sam...and Emmett...K

Steven said...

Great Job tonight in 504!
Do you see the five revision elements that you mentioned to be stages of revision, or multiple facets of one big revision? In my research and in my experience I have found multiple revisions to be beneficial. In one text that I researched, they stress three stages of revision: 1. meaning, 2. structure and what do you think?